Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Best Practices for Virtualization of Microsoft Exchange 2010

key points (full notes are available from slide deck)
*snapshots are NOT supported. exchange is always moving forward in time
*VSS backup of root for pass through disks for iscsi disks connected to initiator in guest
*the new exchange calculator will account for virtualization
*don't forget network needs

*UM and Virtualization
-4 virtual proc is a must, lab tests shows poor voice quality, 40 concurrent connections tested fine with 4 VP/16GB memory
-Exchange is very multi CPU aware, take advantage of using as many vCPUs
-take advantage of HUB/MBX multirole deployment, there's a extra feature you get when you deploy these together (any benefit of combining MBX/CAS?)

*Storage considerations:
-Exchange storage must be fixed VHD
-Exchange storage must be block level, will not support NAS

*take advantage of the DAC mode available with 2010

*clustering the hytper v host:
-make sure to take account of heart beat time out for the DAG
-quick migration is not supported for exchange
-live migration is supported and complete shutdown and bringing it up on another machine is supported

*general guide line, dedicate resource for exchange do not set it for dynamic adjusting resources. the auto tuning adds no value to exchange.

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