Tuesday, June 8, 2010

finally some great announcements for Exchange 2010 SP1

log replication in sp1 has improved from file level copy to block level cluster replication which increses resilience against data loss in the event of active node failure!!

UNC01-INT - Real-World Database Availability Group (DAG) Design

Microsoft provides a great deal of content covering the theory around designing highly available and site resilient solutions, but there is very little discussion of how to apply that to “non-standard” customer scenarios. Not all customers have 50% of their users in one datacenter and 50% in a second datacenter, or one “hot datacenter” for all user access and one “warm datacenter” for site resilient scenarios. In this session, we apply the theory of DAG design and utilize the tools provided by Microsoft to design some real-world site resilient solutions. [TENA10]

Key points:
1. 250ms for acceptable latency for DAG
- This is important for log replication
- Stretch DAG isn’t meant to handle unreliable link
2. Where should we place fsw?
- If you want primary site to work in the event of outage, you want the FSW to be local
3. If for whatever reason the logs doesn’t play back on the passive nodes, you are better off deleting the copy
- you are better off reseeding it
4. when you take off nodes for 5 days, make sure count into storage for hosting that much logs
- unless, you cause some diversion the log, you shouldn’t have to reseed
- page patching, bad block – these are no longer an issue that requires a reseed
5. 2TB is recommended ceiling for .edb size in replicated environment
6. You can’t stretch DAG to cloud
7. In a odd # of dag you don’t have fsw
8. You can have mbx installed on with hub so you have extra voting members per data center – you don’t have to mount DB

**tomorrow’s dag session for SP1 – attend

UNC04-INT - Deploying Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1, Step-by-Step

Exchange 2010 SP1 features several exciting new capabilities that leverage Rights Management Services (RMS). This interactive session helps you put these features into action. We’re ready to answer all your deployment questions. Using a live demonstration, we provide you with detailed guidance on how configure RMS settings and enable the IRM features in Exchange 2010. We also support the discussion with live demos and helpful troubleshooting tips so you can get up and running right away. [TENA10]

Key points:
1. With high overhead requirement of exchange 2010, RMS, outlook 2010 or Exchange 2010 OWA, this may not be ideal solution for us. We might find some usage for internal users to prevent accidental forwarding of messages unintended recipient but we would have to find out if Source One will work with email protection. Email protection changes the way protected emails are journaled in that it attaches 2 copies of the same message; one decrypted and the other encrypted. Another point to note is that email protection is not intended to protect against malicious user, it’s intended to protect against accidental forwarding of sensitive messages.

UNC307 - What's New in Archiving, Retention, and Discovery in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1

As the volume of email continues to increase, you are likely seeking new and better ways to preserve and discover this critical email data to meet an array of IT governance, legal, and compliance requirements. To help address these needs, Exchange Server 2010 introduced integrated archiving and discovery capabilities. This session offers a technical overview and demonstration of the features and functionality delivered in Exchange 2010 and updates coming in SP1. [TENA10]

Key points:
What’s new with sp1
1. Personal archive:
- Archive on separate db or in the cloud (if in the cloud, just point out the smtp address for it)
- Pst import into archive database
- Outlooks 2007 support for archive database
- Ews support for personal archive
- Admin delegation for personal archive
2. Move and delete policies (mailbox management)
- Managed through emc
- Ews support for archive
- Support for tasks calendar and voicemail
3. Hold policy:
- Managed through ecp
- Hold policy trumps over search and destroy admin tasks (in order to delete message that’s on hold, you would have to unhold)
4. Multi mailbox search:
- Search preview
- De duplication after discover
- Search and destroy
- Annotations
- Cmdlet audit
- Non-owner auditing

Other key points
1. Archive DB is just like any other Mail DB
- You can move archive mailbox to any other db using command lets
- Index for archive mailbox will exist on the new db

2. Pst finder available from ms
3. We have ability to manage retention on archive database.
4. Users can log in add additional retention policy for mailbox management
5. Automatically move content form the primary db to archive dumpster
6. Legal hold
- Doesn’t work on a group level from gui but can be scripted
- All activities done on /within mailbox is audited, even putting the user off hold and back on.
- One a user is on hold, nothing is deleted, and changes are tracked on the messages
7. Litigation search – search isn’t as sophistigated as source one.
- And, or, not queries works, AQS support, regular expressions work,
- Search by date, recipient & sender fields. You can’t specify attachment size and type. You can put extension type in the expression.

8. You can set retention policy per folder level
9. Default dumpster size is 28 days
- You can configure this, you can have separate policy from primary and archive
- The dumpster has its own size and quota, you have mechanism
10. When user gets moved from db another, dumpster follows
- The dumpster today is a indexed it’s a folder
11. “two prong authentication” Two person authorization for certain tasks (brought up, not delivered yet)
12. Demo of hold :
- Users can’t delete, the message. As long as the message is part of the store, you can’t delete it
- And, or, not queries works, AQS support, regular expressions work,
- New in sp1 is estimate of search time
- New in sp1 is dedup of search results
- Folder in the discovery search will have a folder created for the search, and also shows folder structure of where the message is

1. When you have a retention policy of 1 year on the primary mailbox with delete nothing the dumpster, does mailbox management move the items in the dumpster older than 1 year to the dumpster on the archive mailbox database, assuming that I have the same policy on the archive database?
- Will the current storage calculator estimate how much storage I will need If I want to keep deleted items for 10 years for archive database?
2. How do you audit dumpster size on exchange 2007 db? Is there a way to breakdown disk utilization for deleted mailbox vs. deleted emails?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Everyone is secretive about exchange 2010 sp1

UNC303 - Upgrading from Microsoft Exchange Server 2003/2007 to Exchange Server 2010: Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned

Rand Morimoto, author of the bestselling book "Exchange 2010 Unleashed" shares over two years of early adopter and real-world experience in upgrading from Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010. Rand covers strategies in preparing for a successful upgrade as well as common pits and traps to avoid in the process. [TENA10] – being taped

Resource: www.expta.com, www.networkworld.com/community/morimoto
- Search CAS

Key points:
1. Preparation tool:
- Exchange remote connectivity analyzer: test cas, smtp routing
- Exchange server deployment assiantant http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/exdeploy2010/default.aspx#Home
- Delegate configurations to look out for: CAS naming space and SSL certificates
- Changing out certificate on exchange 2007 for 2010 integration did not require a user to reauthenticate
- In a 2003/2007 environment, 2010 hub relays only with 2007 hub
- Exchange UM - you bring in 2010, you need new dial plan. Mailbox moves from 2007 to 2010 will require reconfiguration of UM for users
- OCS will automatically talk to 2010
- No public folder migration, replication is the way you migrate – this could take few days so plan it out
- PFAdmin is good tool for checking PF replication
- OWA public folder access only works with 2010
- You can move users during the day from 2007 to 2010 but you want to plan out how much (think about log generation and backups...)
- Cas server processes the mailbox moves. Once you submit move request, the cas server handles all move request at which point your machine is out of the loop

1. Decomission steps for exchange 2007 in mixed mode
- You want to use setup.exe to properly remove the legacy environment

2. Plan to get mail.outlook.caa.com with ISA. We currently use outlook.caa.com, how will this impact users
- Current SAN used: outlook.caa.com, owa1.caa.com, owa2.caa.com, autodiscovery.caa.com,
- Going to: mail.caa.com, autodiscovery.caa.com, legacy.caa.com
3. Can bes 5.0 MR1 application deliver mail for users on both 2007/2010 env?

Exchange 2010 sp1

no exact ETA on RTM release. "sometime in the second half of this year..."

UNC201 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1: An Overview of What's Coming

**class was very disappointing, instructor only mentioned few items about sp1.

General Manager of Exchange Server, Harvinder Bhela, talks about (and demos) key investments in Exchange Server 2010 and SP1 and how Exchange provides unprecedented IT cost savings; the richest user experience across the PC, phone, and browser; and better management of risk through built-in protection and compliance features. This session covers key topics including archiving and tiered storage; low cost disk use and the expansion of mailbox size while reducing costs; Unified Messaging and Voicemail Preview, and much more. Learn more about how Exchange Server 2010 SP1 delivers powerful productivity tools to your users in a way that best fits your business and technology needs. [TENA10]

Key points:
1. ‘Mailbox resiliency’ is the coin term
2. You can have up to 16 replicas
3. One place to manage sms and IM
4. Contact cards on outlook seamless format from OC
5. Option to now store archive mailboxes on separate mail store
6. You can set granular per item retention policies and capture all edits and deletions with legal hold
7. Empower compliance officers to conduct multi mailbox searches with ease
8. Exchange 2010 provides information protection:
- Transport protection rule – this automatically applies to based on senders, expression matching attachments..
- You can temporarily decrypt the message on the server, this way you can journal and archive, message are content indexed on exchange. So there is no compromise with availability and ILM, exchange 2010 solves this issue
- ILM you can protect message from getting forwarded – limitation here is that still users set which message is protected
- There is more support for mobile phones now for ILM
9. You can mix mode for on prem and cloud model
10. Help users manage inbox overloads
11. uM across email, IM, voice mail saves time
12. address book segregation will be available sometime in the second half of year

New in SP1:
1. Ability to estimate search time new in sp1
2. You can dedup results from search
3. You can tweak the search
4. Annotate the results
5. Released date, second half of the year

Key Note Session

Key points:
1. .net 4 available as of today
2. RTN application fabric is available as today for download
3. Sql 2008 R2 recently released
4. Win 2008 r2 sp1 & win 7 sp1 to be released sometime july time frame
Shipping dynamic memory and remote FX (HD quality video)
5. Cloud computing and UC
a. Comprising office 2010, sharepoint 2010, exchange 2010
b. Updates with communication 14
- More personal client view
- Improved status, mimicing more social networking tools with photo and status
- Contact card photos will be from share point
- Communicator history enabling user to jump in old threads as needed
- Better interface for soft phone
- Play VM from exchnge UM
- Ability to search for key words that will work with share point to bring up people results that related to the data. Looking up guru for certain topic for instance
- Contact cards, always present when hovering over name
- Presence is right next to photo
- 720p HD video capability for video conferencing: you can policy out IQ mode based on bandwidth availability
- Ability to share and white board docs while in a call
6. Windows 7 phone
a. Simple interface with ‘smart cards’
b. Email flagging sync with phone
c. Integration with business systems like share point:
- Demo of pulling up a excel doc from a link, editing it, and saving it on share point
7. IE 9
a. Allows html 5, experiene is faster, and will feature graphic acceleration
8. Windows intune – desktop management tool for cloud services
a. Manage things like inventory, patching and antimalware
9. Bing MAP SDK release today
a. Bing MAP demo of incorporating movie distribution to Bing MAP

10. Business Intelligence and the cloud
a. Much improvements with Excel 2010 that enables ease of bringing data from difference sources together
- Demo: resorting a table with 100 miliion rows in matter of few seconds
- can pull data from SQL Azure and any open source type of db
- can upload and save t share point which will allow use of tools like SQL analysis – users can then quickly and easily pull reports and graphs

11. key take away message for cloud computing – scaling infrastructure based on utilization and not peak capacity. Find out more about Azure

TECHED - 2010 - New Orleans